Kevin Berghoff | CEO

"Quantum technology funding and investment activities surpassed $1.4 billion on 2021, more than double of 2020. Quantum technology isn't a long run race any longer, as industrial application of this cutting-edge technology emerge today."

What is your role in QuantumDiamonds?

I am taking over all the business-related work, ranging from financing to marketing and business development.

You have a business background - and now work in a deep tech field. How is the ride?

After my business studies, I worked at McKinsey & Company in their private equity practice. I got in contact with a variety of industries - from the more technical ones to the ones that are more marketing driven. For me, it was fascinating to see the excitement of deep tech startups that really want to build the future. Therefore, I teamed up with our techies Kristina, Fleming, Robin and Dominik to build a deep tech startup that “makes the invisible visible”. In our startup, we have the two extremes we want to bring together: Quantum research focusing on getting to a 99% confidence level vs the business and startup world where only an 80/20 approach works. This is really fascinating!

What is your business perspective on quantum technologies in general?

Quantum technologies may generally be divided into three categories: quantum computing (QC), quantum sensing (QS), and quantum communication (QComm). Although quantum computing (QC) is frequently regarded as one of the most revolutionary technologies of our time, experts concur that it will likely be another ten years before it finds widespread commercial use. Two related technologies that could be made available much sooner are quantum sensing (QS) and quantum communication, which are less well-known but equally significant.

Depending on consumer interest and maturity levels, different quantum technologies will be used within the field of quantum sensing. Sometimes, due of varying objectives, an application may flourish in one field while drawing minimal attention in others. Organizations in the military, for example, may be the first to implement navigational tools that may aid personnel in successfully completing mission-critical tasks. The importance of high-precision navigation may then be recognized by other industries, like automated agriculture, shipping, and the automotive. No matter the sector, widespread QS application adoption won't happen unless stakeholders are persuaded that the performance advantages outweigh their higher costs.

What do you like about working at QuantumDiamonds?

We are really working on a technology that will be an enabler: There is not one specific industry we are targeting but rather a broad variety from battery research to healthcare and semiconductor manufacturing. We always see parallels with the semiconductor industry several years ago: It is an exciting technology that will change the way we live. Today, we cannot imagine all applications, similar to the 50s and 60s where people could not foresee that semiconductors will be built into computers, smartphones and cars.


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