Chemical analysis

Quantum sensors for chemical analysis

High throughput screening of everything from enzymes to active compounds in drugs.


Low sensitivity and throughput of modern magnetic resonance technology

NMR spectroscopy is widely used to examine a wide variety of chemicals, including tiny molecules, polymers, and biomolecules like proteins and nucleic acids. It offers comprehensive structural information on molecules. The high information richness of NMR spectroscopy, which enables the determination of the chemical structure, composition, and dynamics of molecules, is one of the important benefits for chemists and biochemists. The ability to investigate molecules in their natural settings is made possible by the non-invasive nature of NMR spectroscopy and its application under biologically or chemically relevant conditions.

One of the main challenges of classical NMR is its low sensitivity, requiring hundreds of microliters of sample for accurate analysis. In addition, NMR has a low throughput, with only one sample able to be analyzed per measurement. This can be time-consuming and inefficient for researchers looking to analyze a large number of samples.

Potential solution

High throughput Nuclear Magnetic Resonance spectroscopy (NMR)

However, there is a solution to these challenges: quantum sensors in diamonds. By using microdroplets, which are the standard sample in biotechnology, researchers are able to overcome the issue of sample handling. In addition, the use of quantum sensors in diamonds allows for the analysis of microdroplets, resulting in the first NMR spectrum from these small sample volumes. The use of quantum sensors in diamond has the potential to revolutionize NMR analysis, making it more sensitive and efficient. This technology has the potential to greatly improve the accuracy and speed of chemical analysis, particularly in the biotech and pharmaceutical industries.

Ultra-sensitive optical microscopy

Our technology utilizes nitrogen-vacancy centres to optically read the NMR signal of a sample, rather than through induction in coils. This allows for high sensitivty that enables the analysis of microdroplets on the order of picoliters.

Time and sample reduction

Microdroplets allow for simultaneous analysis of thousands of samples.

Why it matters

More sensitive and efficient NMR spectrosopy

The use of quantum sensors in diamond has the potential to revolutionize NMR analysis, making it more sensitive and efficient. This technology has the potential to greatly improve the accuracy and speed of chemical analysis, particularly in the biotech and pharmaceutical industries which may reduce the time and cost for drug development and enable personalized medicine.


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